Peter Lutz

Peter’s musical career started at the age of 12 when he got a small organ. Shortly after that, he bought his first synthesizer and started composing his own tracks. He got involved in several bands, but soon he realized his skills and talent would lead him to composing and producing music on his own. Influenced by such artists as Depeche Mode and Jean Michel Jarre, as well as the thriving Belgian club scene, Peter started making dance music. His first release was titled “Plato”, an ambient album.
Many will know Peter as one of the leading forces behind successful dance formation Lasgo. & Ian Van Dahl…. Beside those projects he’s also famous for all his club-projects like groovewatchers, heliac, Outrowz and of course the records under his own name.
These however are just a few of the many projects Peter contributes to. He has been working with many artists such as Des Mitchell, Dave McCullen, Johan Gielen, Barbara Tucker, Basto!, Dj Ward……. and to write tracks that are now known as classic club anthems.
He remixed artists like : Axwell, M.Y.N.C Project feat Roachford, Zornik, Delerium, Dizkodude, Kate Ryan, Atomic kitten, Aurora etc….
It is clear Peter has always had an appetite for chart-sensitive tracks with international hit-potential.
On top of this, Peter’s career as a DJ is taking off quickly. His DJ sets have set a standard for others to follow.
Each Saturday he’s resident DJ in the main hall @ Noxx Antwerp, the biggest and most trendy club of Belgium..
Both with remixes and with his own songs, Peter is determined to continue to surprise us with exciting dance tracks!
International Dance Music Awards USA
‘Best HI-Energy / Euro’ USA 2007 (Peter Luts & Dominico – What A Feeling)
‘European Border Breakers’ -award
@ MIDEM Cannes (France) 2004 (Lasgo)
International Dance Music Awards USA
‘Best HI-Energy / Euro’ USA 2004 (Lasgo – Alone)
USA BMI ‘Pop & Dance’ award 2004 (Lasgo)
‘Best dance-act’ @ UK Smash Hits Poll Winners Party
(UK) 2002 (Lasgo)
International Dance Music Awards USA
‘Best new dance artist group 2002’ (Lasgo)
‘Best national single of the year’ @ TMF Awards Belgium
2001 (Lasgo – Something)